Pushing a Baby Bird Toward the Edge of the Nest

Adrift (The Widow's Walk Trilogy Book 1) - Robin Wainwright, Carol Holaday

After almost a year of work, I now had three novels living on my Google drive, but were they any good?


I sent my first paper baby, Adrift, off to my editor and waited.


However, I have never been a very patient soul.


Two weeks later, I tentatively asked a longtime friend, and avid reader, if she would be willing to read my first novel.


She said she'd love to and I sent Adrift out into the world, and waited on pins and needles.


What if all my work and effort resulted in nothing more than a waste of time?


What if the characters I had grown to love were so terrible that only their own mother could love them?


A week later, on Father's day, I was sitting in a restaurant having lunch with my husband, when I received an email from my friend. She loved what I had written; I burst into tears of relief. My wonderful husband just smiled and comforted me by saying, "Of course she loved what you wrote, you're a good writer."


Later that afternoon, that same friend called me and she was bubbling over with enthusiasm for my book. She admitted that she had put off reading it, fearful of what she would say to me if my writing was bad. She had started reading Adrift that morning. She told me that she had quickly become absorbed by the story and had been bummed that she’d have to put it aside to take her husband out for Father’s day celebrations. He had opted to stay in and watch NASCAR and she had dove back into my book. She had finished reading Adrift in one day. She said it was so good she couldn't put it down.


Her enthusiasm boosted my confidence and I wondered about sending my baby off to a couple of other Beta readers.